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Sorrelclan has a reputation for being friendly and fairly lax when it comes to the Warrior Code. However, some parts (being loyal to one's clan, caring for the young and old, and killing only in self-defense) are viewed as essential and those who break these codes are punished extremely harshly, with punishments ranging from temporary exile to permanent banishment from Sorrelclan lands and a name-strip, in which the name of a cat is taken away to prevent their spirit from arriving in Starclan. In the event that half-clan kits are born, preference is given to the mother although if the parents figure out a way to divide the kits, Sorrelclan will not interfere.


Goseclan is currently an ally. Sorrelstar has united with Palestar on the accounts of their clans being young and their backgrounds; Sorrelstar was originally a house cat while Palestar was originally a rogue.

Sageclan is currently an ally. Sorrelstar has united with Hailstar on the accounts of their clans being young and bordering each other.



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