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Write about a scene showing your leader meeting one of your new clan members

Celeste sniffed the air around her and jumped up, batting at a butterfly. She failed to catch it (she wasn't too surprised though) and dropped down onto her paws. She could swear that there was a strange scent around her, but having been a house cat most of her life, wasn't too practiced with discerning them. However, her ears could easily pick up the sound of rustling leaves on the forest floor and she turned her head to see a large and confident tortoiseshell molly with a slightly faded scar on her face striding towards her. Celeste's first instinct was to run, however, there was something about the molly that calmed the younger cat.

"Wh-who are you?" asked Celeste, embarrassed at her stammer.

The large tortoiseshell smiled kindly. "My name is Sorrelstar, founder of Sorrelclan."

"What's that?"

"Sorrelclan will be a shelter for all the cats in the forest," replied Sorrelstar. "We will live according to rules that will elevate us above the common loner or house cat and in the end, will be rewarded with a life beyond this."

Celeste cocked her head. This was certainly curious. What kinds of rules were these? Were they the kind that didn't allow toms? Were they the kind that kept mollies as breeders? She had certainly heard of those groups. "What kinds of rules are these? And why would they make you better than loners?" She didn't ask about the house cats, as every loner knew that most house cats were too cowardly to seek a life for themselves. She, at least, could pride herself on being able to survive for a few moons on her own, while her littermates had everything handed to them.

Sorrelstar's whiskers twitched with amusement. "Rules that prevent us from killing unnecessarily," she said. "Rules that tell us to be kind to one another and to help all in need of it. Rules that punish those who harm another. Rules that make us more moral."

Celeste still wasn't quite convinced, but Sorrelstar seemed sincere enough. Even if this clan of hers wasn't everything the older molly promised, it would likely still be better than living on her own or joining a clowder. At least this way, she might learn a few useful skills without facing judgement. "Could I join?" asked Celeste. Her voice shook as she did so, yet somehow she knew this was right.

Sorrelstar broke out into a broad grin. "Absolutely," she said. "However, you'll need to change your name. Every clan cat has a prefix that describes their appearance and all adults--or warriors--have a suffix that describes their most notable skill or trait. As you're still quite young, you'd be given the suffix -paw to show that your paws are on the road to becoming a warrior."

How interesting, thought Celeste. Yet choosing her name... She'd want to be careful as her new name would likely be permanent. And it had to describe her? Well, there was a gray-and-white bird called the fulmar. Fulmarpaw... It had a certain ring to it. Fulmarpaw it is.

"Can I change my name to Fulmarpaw?"

Sorrelstar dipped her head. "Welcome to Sorrelclan, Fulmarpaw."

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