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Ancestors & Non-Forestclan Deceased

Minkstar | tom | old age | Cherryclan leader

Goosetail | molly | old age | Cherryclan deputy

Ashstripe | molly | old age | Cherryclan warrior

Dustwhisker | tom | old age | Cherryclan warrior

Swiftfur | molly | old age | Cherryclan warrior

​Thymekit | molly | 2 | weakness | Brightpool's kit

Deceased: Honeystar

Deceased: Honeystar


Dawnstorm | tom | 39 | badger attack | warrior

Grayfur | molly | 119 | badger attack | elder

Acornstream | tom | 47 | infection | warrior

Bramblebush | tom | 140 | infection | elder

Crowcloud | tom | 51 | fire​ | medicine cat

Egretstep | tom | 40 | fire | warrior

Fleckstorm | molly | 36 | fire | warrior

Alderclaw | tom | 52 | drowning | warrior

Falconflower | molly | 51 | drowning | warrior

Bleakkit (Bleakstone) | tom | 0 | weak from birth | Birchnose's kit

​Sorrelkit (Sorrelfire) | molly | 0 | weak from birth | Birchnose's kit

unnamed | tom | stillborn | Briarwhisker's kit

Smokefur | molly | 18 | illness | warrior

Patchcloud | tom | 23 | illness | warrior

Gingerstorm | molly | 57 | killed by foxes | warrior

Snowfoot | molly | 52 | drowning | warrior

Birchnose | molly | 59 | murdered | deputy


Dawnstorm | tom | 39 | badger attack | warrior

Grayfur | molly | 119 | badger attack | elder

Acornstream | tom | 47 | infection | warrior

Bramblebush | tom | 140 | infection | elder

Crowcloud | tom | 51 | fire​ | medicine cat

Egretstep | tom | 40 | fire | warrior

Fleckstorm | molly | 36 | fire | warrior

Alderclaw | tom | 52 | drowning | warrior

Falconflower | molly | 51 | drowning | warrior

Bleakkit (Bleakstone) | tom | 0 | weak from birth | Birchnose's kit

​Sorrelkit (Sorrelfire) | molly | 0 | weak from birth | Birchnose's kit

unnamed | tom | stillborn | Briarwhisker's kit

Smokefur | molly | 18 | illness | warrior

Patchcloud | tom | 23 | illness | warrior

Gingerstorm | molly | 57 | killed by foxes | warrior

Snowfoot | molly | 52 | drowning | warrior

Birchnose | molly | 59 | murdered | deputy

Duckpelt | molly | 62 | poisoned by poppy seeds | warrior

Daisywhisker | tom | 56 | murdered | warrior

Dippercloud | molly | 157 | old age | elder

Goosetail | tom | 152 | old age | elder

unnamed | tom | stillborn | Gulltail's kit

Badgerstripe | tom | 27 | illness | warrior

Gannetstorm | molly | 32 | illness | warrior

Carpfang | molly | 18 | illness | warrior

Fritillarynose | molly | 28 | illness | warrior

Briarwhisker | molly | 67 | illness | warrior

Shellfur | molly | 36 | illness | warrior

Honeystar | molly | 77 | post-kitting weakness | leader


Dark Forest

Bramblingwhisker | molly | 24 | poisoned by deathberries | warrior

Oakheart | tom |54 | executed by Honeystar | warrior

Brightfang | tom | 38 | illness | warrior

Duckpelt | molly | 62 | poisoned by poppy seeds | warrior

Daisywhisker | tom | 56 | murdered | warrior

Dippercloud | molly | 157 | old age | elder

Goosetail | tom | 152 | old age | elder

unnamed | tom | stillborn | Gulltail's kit

Badgerstripe | tom | 27 | illness | warrior

Gannetstorm | molly | 32 | illness | warrior

Carpfang | molly | 18 | illness | warrior

Fritillarynose | molly | 28 | illness | warrior

Briarwhisker | molly | 67 | illness | warrior

Shellfur | molly | 36 | illness | warrior

Honeystar | molly | 77 | post-kitting weakness | leader


Dark Forest

Bramblingwhisker | molly | 24 | poisoned by deathberries | warrior

Oakheart | tom |54 | executed by Honeystar | warrior

Brightfang | tom | 38 | illness | warrior

Deceased: Applestar


Dandeliontail | tom | 73 | suffocation | warrior

Mottleflower | tom | 48 | suffocation | warrior

unnamed | molly | stillborn | Newtflower's kit

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