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Introduction | Reply

​Post 1 | Reply 1

Post 2 | Reply 2

Post 3 | Reply 3

Post 4 | Reply 4

Post 5 | Reply 5

Post 6 | Reply 6 

Jesni gives birth to one child in reply 6.

Post 7 | Reply 7

Post 8 | Reply 8

Post 9 | Reply 9

Post 10 | Reply 10

Post 11 | Reply 11

Post 12 | Reply 12

Post 13 | Reply 13

Post 14 | Reply 14

Rosanth and Predath's first clutch of five hatches in post 14. Baridna gives birth to triplets, Kivee gives birth to one child, and Seanni gives birth to twins in reply 14.

Post 15 | Reply 15

Post 16 | Reply 16

Post 17 | Reply 17

Post 18 | Reply 18

Post 19 | Reply 19

Post 20 | Reply 20

Post 21 | Reply 21

Post 22 | Reply 22

Post 23 | Reply 23

Nitia gives birth to one child in reply 23.

Post 24 | Reply 24

Post 25 | Reply 25

Post 26.1 | Post 26.2 | Reply 26

Borinth and Kimoth's first clutch of six hatches in post 26. Jesni gives birth to twins and Kivee gives birth to one child in reply 26.

Post 27 | Reply 27

Post 28 | Reply 28

Post 29 | Reply 29

Kalliarrah gives birth to twins and Pepper gives birth to one child in reply 29.

Post 30 | Reply 30

Rosanth and Predath's second clutch of nine hatches in post 30.

Post 31 | Reply 31

Post 32 | Reply 32

Eshni gives birth to one child and Fay gives birth to twins in reply 32.

Post 33 | Reply 33

Post 34 | Reply 34

Nilani gives birth to one child and Thiolo gives birth to twins in reply 34.

Post 35 | Reply 35

Post 36 | Reply 36

Camilla gives birth to one child, Fira gives birth to quadruplets, and Tollioma gives birth to twins in reply 36.

Post 37 | Reply 37

Zerith and Currith's first clutch of two hatches in post 37.

Post 38 | Reply 38

Fudiom dies in post 38.

Post 39 | Reply 39

Benorri gives birth to one child, Nebenni gives birth to twins, and Nilani gives birth to twins in reply 39.

Post 40 | Reply 40

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