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The world of Gold and Iron is magical to the point where even individuals born without will eventually develop magic. The ambient magic also keeps the inhabitants healthier; injuries heal faster and better, and sicknesses are less common. This page records the types of magic known to this universe.


Semi-Powered: People who are born without magic but eventually develop it after living in this universe for at least a year or after puberty are known as the “semi-powered” as their abilities cannot be reliably passed down to their children. It is common to develop one or two powers, with more being rare.


Powered: People who are naturally born with one or more discrete powers are known as the “powered” and they are able to reliably pass down their power to their children.


Wizard: People who are capable of creating a variety of magical effects are known as “wizards”. Generally, wizards develop spells and potions to ensure the effects are consistent. Only wizards can utilize glyph and rune magic to produce effects other than enhancing or nullifying magic.


Elemental: Fairies, elves, nature spirits, and semi-demonic beings (“tieflings”) are collectively known as “elementals” because they typically have a single domain with which they can produce a variety of effects. Fairies tend to be earth or air elementals, nature spirits can control their element of origin, and elves and tieflings can be any type of elemental.

Semi-Powered and Powered Abilities


  • An animator can temporarily bring inanimate objects to life.

  • A conjurer can summon items from across the multiverse and can store objects in a personal pocket dimension. They are unable to summon objects larger than they are.

  • A constructor can make temporary "living" constructs to serve a purpose. More powerful or more experienced constructors can give their constructs more complex instructions.

  • A creator can make objects from magical energy. A forger is a type of creator who exclusively makes weapons, often with some magical property. They are unable to create objects larger than they are.

  • A summoner is naturally able to summon and bind spirits, although failure to contain spirits can result in the death of the summoner.



  • Aerokinesis (air)

  • Aquakinesis (water)

  • Caligikinesis (mist)

  • Chronokinesis (time)

  • Cryokinesis (ice)

  • Fulgarkinesis (electricity)

  • Geokinesis (earth)

  • Herbakinesis (plants)

  • Lumikinesis (light)

  • Metallakinesis (metal)

  • Pyrokinesis (fire)

  • Toxokinesis (poison)

  • Umbrakinesis (shadow)



  • medium can communicate with ghosts. Some can only see them, some can only hear them, some can do both, and some can interact further.

  • An osteomancer can manipulate bone matter. Some use this to make bone constructs and some use this for healing.

  • reanimator can animate bones and corpses to create zombies.

  • reviver can bring the dead back to life.



  • An adaptor can temporarily enhance one or more of their senses and body's abilities.

  • camouflager can change aspects of their body, similar to a metamorphmagus.

  • shapeshifter has more than one alternate form.

  • wereshifter has one alternate form. They differ from werefolk in that their power doesn't come from infection.


  • An apophenic has an enhanced ability to create and discern patterns.

  • healer can magically heal the body, often using the doctor's or patient's energy resources.

  • pinpointer has an enhanced ability to target things.

  • recollector has an enhanced memory and can sometimes grant others a temporarily enhanced memory.

  • shielder can magically shield oneself and others.

  • telekinetic can move objects without physical force.

  • vanisher can become invisibile. Some can also make others invisible.



  • beguiler can influence people to act in a specific way, similar to jedi mind tricks.

  • linguist can instinctively understand and speak languages or languages groups they didn't learn.

  • mindreader can read minds.

  • rioter and soother can induce emotions in people; the former induces negative/survival emotions (fear, disgust, rage, anxiety, shame, etc) and the latter induces positive emotions (happiness, calm, etc).

  • siren/serenader can induce feelings of affection/love towards themselves.

  • telepath can mentally transmit images, words, and feelings to others.

  • truthseeker can discern lies from truth.

  • zoopath can understand and communicate with animals.



  • hopper can teleport anywhere within a limited radius.

  • marker/marking teleporter can teleport to a person, place, or thing that they magically "tagged".

  • memory teleporter can teleport to places they have seen or previously been to.

  • A true teleporter can teleport anywhere within their plane of existence, although they are also typically limited to their planet.



  • clairvoyant can see possible futures.

  • clearseer can see through glamours and invisibility.

  • dreamwalker can share dreams with others.

  • An empath can sense the emotions and intentions of others.

  • magicseer can detect magic in their environment.

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