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Pern has a turn (year) lasting 362 days, with a leap year every 6 turns. A turn is broken into 12 months lasting 30 days each, with 2 days added at Turnover for celebration. In the South, the Summer Solstice is 1.1, the Fall Equinox is 4.1, the Winter Solstice is 7.1, and the Spring Equinox is 10.1. Dates are shown as follows: mm/dd underneath the year.



05/22: Cyrrane is founded by Myrian Sheherezad of the Wyst Forest.


2693 (post 1)

05/16: Black Rock Hold is founded by Seanni of Southern Hold.​

2696 (post 4)

06/03: Seanni Impresses the gold Rosanth, becoming Weyrwoman.


2698 (post 6)

07/21: Jesni gives birth to Eshni.


​2700 (post 8)​

08/02: Nebereg Impresses the bronze Predath, becoming Weyrleader. He changes his name to N'reg.


2701 (post 9)

04/03: Journeymen Abesses of Beastcraft and Borrin and Ershar of Farmercraft become Masters.


2703 (post 11)

04/05: N'reg and Seanni become weyrmates.

10/01: Boldosh and Baridna, and Tugall and Kivee get married.

10/22: Journeyman Jesni of Fishercraft becomes a Master.


2704 (post 12)

04/30: Journeyman Shollun of Healercraft becomes a Master.​

2705 (posts 13, 14)

07/07: Bronze Predath flies gold Rosanth, who lays a clutch of five eggs.

11/29: Sedah, Fedust, Zeyku, and Soyah Impress gold Zerith, brown Kimorth, blue Hosurth, and green Borinth. Fedust and Zeyku change their names to F'dust and Ze'ku.

12/18: Kivee gives birth to Tigill.


2706 (post 14)

01/14: Seanni gives birth to Nebenni and Seregan.

01/26: Baridna gives birth to Balidosh, Jarshonen, and Riziolke.


2709 (post 17)

11/13: Journeymen Ayal of Woodcraft, Tugall of Tannercraft, and Waxinnan of Harpercraft become Masters.

12/02: Eshni is apprenticed to Harpercraft.


2710 (post 18)

11/25: Dragonriders F'dust, Ze'ku, and Soyah graduate.


2712 (post 20)

07/24: Mekhanikos is founded by Ackerley of Contracincinnus.

07/01: Abesses and Renolla, and Waxinnan and Nitia get married.


2713 (post 21)

06/26: Journeymen Baridna of Glasscraft, Boldosh of Fishercraft, and Nitia of Beastcraft become Masters.

09/02: Ermid is apprenticed to Farmercraft.

11/27: Dovefeather Hold is founded by Myracle of Lanth.


2714 (post 22)

12/19: Goldrider Sedah graduates.

10/29: Beallolril is apprenticed to Tannercraft.

11/03: Fira is apprenticed to Healercraft.​


2715 (post 23)

04/26: Nitia gives birth to Tiennen.

06/14: Apprentice Eshni of Harpercraft graduates, becoming a journeyman.

06/18: Fella is apprenticed to Starcraft.

08/24: F'dust and Soyah become weyrmates.

​2717 (posts 25, 26)

09/14: Brown Kimorth flies green Borinth, who lays a clutch of six eggs.

11/28: Jesni gives birth to Ester and Sharon.

12/08: Kivee gives birth to Akiniall.


2718 (post 26)

01/06: Tuncagin, Kiiron, Nikolas, Rorria, and Tutikko Impress brown Noneth, blues Xarath and Karoth, and greens Siarlith and Diasrioth. Tuncagin, Kiiron, and Nikolas change their names to T'gin, K'ron, and N'kolas.

03/27: Apprentice Ermid of Farmercraft becomes a journeyman.

08/30: Journeyman Rabrusull of Smithcraft becomes a master.


2719 (post 27)

06/01: Balidosh is apprenticed to Fishercraft.

07/09: Tigill is apprenticed to Glasscraft.

10/01: Soyah gives birth to Dusteah.

11/15: Saltul and Kalliarrah get married.

11/28: Kyniken and Pepper Church get married. Kyniken takes the last name of Church.


2720 (post 28)

05/23: Journeyman Thiolo of Farmercraft becomes a master.

11/28: Apprentices Beallolril of Farmercraft, Fella of Starcraft, and Fira of Healercraft become journeymen.


2721 (posts 29, 30)

02/30: Ermid and Eshni get marred. They take the last name of Singer.

04/09: Dragonrider Rorria graduates.

10/03: Journeyman Griengrilon of Beastcraft becomes a master.

12/08: Kalliarrah gves birth to Illias and Sadia.

12/22: Aidan Wood and Fay Barkridge get married. Aidan changes his last name to Barkridge.

12/30: Dragonriders K'ron, N'kolas, and Tutikko graduate. Tutikko becomes Weyrleader N'reg's wingsecond. K'ron and N'kolas return to Dovefeather Hold.


2722 (post 30)

02/23: Myracle, Seregan, Raiden, Vedobin, Hallitu, Nebenni, and Tollioma Impress gold Manth, bronze Pumolth, brown Daresith, blue Fareth, and greens Fayaraith, Lanernuth, and Kenralth. Seregan and Vedobin change their names to S'gan and V'bin.

05/04: Pepper Church gives birth to Eryn Church.

05/23: Riziolke is apprenticed to Fishercraft.

06/04: Rowan is apprenticed to Smithcraft.


2723 (post 31)

01/29: Dragonrider T'gin graduates.

02/18: Bansendon and Nilani get married.

06/19: Borrin and Ayal get married. They take the last name of Fieldsman.

07/05: Fudiom and Mairmun get married.


2724 (post 32)

01/18: Apprentices Balidosh of Fishercraft and Tigill of Glasscraft become journeymen.

03/17: Ezekiel is apprenticed to Farmercraft.

10/25: Lolardra and Nella get married.

12/25: Apprentices Tigill of Glasscraft and Balidosh of Fishercraft become journeymen.

12/22: Anna and Dulcia get married. They, Rowan, and Ezekiel take the last name of Starweaver.

12/25: Fella and Rorria get married. They take the last name of Peake.​

2725 (post 33)

04/06: Beallolril and Fira get married. They take the last name of Hemlock.

04/09: Fay Barkridge gives birth to Daniel and Farida Barkridge.

09/14: Veashmorell and Camilla get married. Veashmorell takes the last name of Thatcher.

10/08: Eshni Singer gives birth to Harishni Singer.


2726 (post 34)

03/09: Thiolo gives birth to Florisenthi and Grigolien.

03/20: Nilani gives birth to Kansan.

10/29: Goldrider Myracle and dragonriders Nebenni and Tollioma graduate.


2727 (post 35)​

04/04: Apprentices Jomiovit of Beastcraft, Riziolke of Fishercraft, and Rowan of Smithcraft become journeymen.

04/06: Dragonriders Hallitu, R'den, S'gan, T'gin, and V'bin graduate. Myracle and R'den return to Dovefeather Hold.

05/08: Rabrusull and Benorri get married.


2728 (post 36)

01/13: T'gin and Hallitu become weyrmates.

04/08: Apprentice Ezekiel of Farmercraft becomes a journeyman.

05/25: Balidosh and Nebenni become weyrmates.

06/21: Jarshonen and Rowan get married. Jarshonen takes the last name of Starweaver.

07/16: Tollioma gives birth to Gillam and Mabill.

08/15: Neachunno and Diatilon get married.

10/17: Camilla gives birth to Amilya.

11/27: Fira gives birth to Allona, Bealiram, Ezra, and Fallon.


2729 (post 37)

06/24: Samantha and Dallumi Impress gold Harplith and blue Bluth.


2730 (post 38)

06/28: Ester and Tiennen are apprenticed to Fishercraft and Harpercraft.

08/24: Fudiom dies of heart failure.​


2731 (post 39)

07/19: Ezekiel and Jomiovit get married. Jomiovit takes the last name of Starweaver.

10/10: Tigill and V'bin get married.

11/09: Hinraul and Lemmima get married.

2732 (post 40)

11/05: Bronze Currith flies gold Zerith, who lays a clutch of X eggs.
11/16: S'gan and Riziolke get married.
02/27: Nilani gives birth to Akilan and Sehani.
11/30: Brown Noneth flies green Fayaraith, who lays a clutch of X eggs.
11/08: Hinraul and Lemmima get married.
12/24: Benorri gives birth to Bruno.
12/01: Nebenni gives birth to Nidalen and Shanni.

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