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Territory & Landmarks

Black Rock Weyrhold is located along the Black Rock River, also known as the Rubicon River, and is split into two sections across the river: the West Weyrhold, where the dragonriders and most of the weyrfolk live, and the East Weyrhold, where many of the Crafters and their staff live. The sections are connected by a bridge although dragonriders are also available to transport people, items, and animals. The weyrhold protects the Araby and Cathay Provinces, whose major holds are Cyrrane and whose minor holds are Mekhanikos Mournstead, Verander, and Zaffari.


Black Rock Weyrhold

In West Weyrhold, the most notable feature is the Twin Towers, a pair of keeps several hundred dragonlengths apart that overlook the river. The North Tower consists of quarters for the Weyrwoman, Weyrleader, Headwoman, and their staff. It also hosts visiting dignitaries. The South Tower consists of quarters for the Weyrlingmaster and their staff, weyrlings, and canddiates. It also hosts recently-graduated dragonriders who have yet to join or buy a house. The majority of the non-farming population lives in the city west of the towers. The streets are spaced such that even the largest gold dragon can lie down comfortably. The center of the city (in Easttown) functions as a public square that hosts farmers' markets, Gathers, and other communal activities.


In East Weyrhold, the most notable feature is the Masters' Manor, headquarters for master Crafters. The majority of the population is Beastcrafters, Farmercrafters, Fishercrafters, Tannercrafters, Woodcrafters, and their staff. This portion of the city has narrower streets and housing suited to a non-dragonriding population. The farms, stables, and livestock are located here and the woods past the city are carefully supervised to ensure they do not run out of resources.


The Territory Beyond

To the north of the weyrhold is ocean. The Carmina Abyssi pod of sirens can be found close in the region where shallow ocean transitions to deep ocean, although they have been known to travel as far inland as to bump up against Cyrrane's boundaries. Further north, past the ocean, is the Northern Continent.


To the northeast of the weyrhold is a mountainous lake island, home to Mournstead. The lake can be accessed through the Rubicon Channel and has an additional outlet in the form of a delta to the north. To the northwest of the weyrhold is a forest along a coastal cliff, home to Mekhanikos. As they practice terrace farming, they have begun to systematically clear out portions of the forest. Just south of Mekhanikos is the remains of the Caling Empire, once home to the golem race. Deactivated golems, easily mistaken for statues or debris, can be found in the region. Because the capital and its major cities exude emotions of sadness and wariness, it is generally recommended that non-archeologists avoid them.


To the east and south of the weyrhold is Wyst Forest, which is known for its magical phenomena. Both Cyrrane and Verander lie within its bounds. Cyrrane lies on a mountain to the southeast, close to the Azov Sea. Verander is more directly east of the weyrhold and because it is further from the center of the forest, has fewer magic-related oddities. To the southwest of the weyrhold is the Archaic Corybantic Vale, protected by tall mountains. The valley was once home to a group of centaurs who have since disappeared without a trace. To the east of the weyrhold is a forest that connects to the northwestern region. Zaffari lies within this forest, easy walking distance from a small lake.


N: none​

NE: Mournstead | Katrione

E: Verander | Phina D Wolf

SE: Cyrrane | Arya22

S: open

SW: open

W: Zaffari | spookypuff

NW: open


N: Carmina Abyssi | jazz.​

NE: open

E: open

SE: open

S: "Kanaka Helu | Chamrosh" & open

SW: open

W: open

NW: open


Carmina Abyssi | ally | Seanni, the first Weyrwoman, sent delagates to a Gather where they met with Captain Kanikau. They struck up an uneasy alliance based around mutual noninterference and trade.


Cyrrane | ally | Seanni, the first Weyrwoman, discovered Cyrrane after it had grown a small population. For a small tithe of goods, Cyrrane can call on the weyrhold for protection and is granted the privilege of Search.


Mournstead | ally | Seanni, the first Weyrwoman, and High Queen Eldthora were fostered together at Southern Hold. Although the Fishercrafters and vikings occasionally clash over waterway rights, the weyrhold and village have remained friendly. For a small tithe of information, Mournstead can call on the weyrhold for protection and is granted the privilege of Search.


Zaffari | ally | Seanni, the first Weyrwoman, and Telling Star Airi met at a Gather and struck up a friendship. For a small tithe of goods, Zaffari can call on the weyrhold for protection. The two also have a robust trade where the weyrhold sells food and technology, and the village sells luxury products.

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