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Carmina Abyssi | spasticjazzhands | Seanni, the first Weyrwoman, sent delegates to a Gather where they met with Kanikau, the first captain. They struck up an uneasy alliance based around mutual noninterference and trade.


Cyrrane | Arya22 | Seanni, the first​ Weyrwoman, discovered Cyrrane after it had grown a small population. Cyrrane is granted the privilege of Search.


Mekhanikos | hazilnut | Seanni, the first Weyrwoman, knew the parents of Mekhanikos's founder, Ackerley, who requested that she look after him the best she could. Mekhanikos is granted the privilege of Search.


Mournstead | katrione | Seanni, the first Weyrwoman, and Eldthora, the first High Queen, were fostered together at Southern Hold. Although the fishercrafters and vikings occasionally clash over waterway rights, the weyrhold and village have remained friendly. Mournstead is granted the privilege of Search.


Zaffari | spookypuff | Seanni, the first Weyrwoman, and Airi, the first Telling Star, met at a Gather and struck up a friendship. The weyrhold exports many products such as food and technology, and the village exports luxury products.



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