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While there are many species of dragons, each with their own unique appearance and personality, some things remain the same between species once imprinted to a "lesser" being, namely aging and reproduction. Additionally, a dragon that imprints to a "lesser" being gains the ability to communicate telepathically in whatever languages the being knows in addition to natural dragon communication.



Dragons that have imprinted on a "lesser" being live much shorter lives than their wild brethren. Wild dragons can live for 500-700 years while imprinted dragons typically live for 80-150 years. The growth process is severely altered too, with most imprinted dragons reaching their full size within three years while wild dragons reach their full size by 20 years. Wild dragons are less aware of themselves, more akin to dolphins, whereas imprinted dragons have intelligences comparable to humans.



Both wild and imprinted dragons reproduce infrequently and only after reaching their full growth. Females typically seek out a suitable male to mate with and raise their clutches with another female or group of females. This improves the survival rate of their clutches and reduces the probability of males trying to kill the hatchlings in case they might have fathered at least one of the clutches. Due to their partner's influence, imprinted dragons occasionally have mates with which they raise all their clutches. As imprinted dragons tend to live closer together, females are more tolerant of unrelated males and some males will help raise the clutches.

There are multiple species of dragons which are magically able to interbreed. However, there are a few distinctions between dragon types that help sort them into groups:

  • True dragons: also known as "Western dragons", these dragons with four legs and two wings.

  • Lung dragons: also known as "Chinese dragons", these dragons have four legs, no wings, and elongated bodies.

  • Drakes: dragons with four legs and no wings.

  • Sea serpent: dragons that live in large bodies of water such as lakes, seas, and oceans.

  • Wyverns: dragons with two legs and two wings.

  • Hydras: dragons with multiple heads.


Forest Dragon

Forest dragons have four legs and two feathered or leathery wings, along with other feathers or fins that help stabilize them in flight. They can be any color and often mimic birds, plants, or small forest fauna. They range in size from "large pony" to "small elephant" but are typically the size of a large horse.


Lung Dragon

Lung dragons have four legs and no wings. They tend to be more showy than "true dragons" as they have an assortment of frills, horns and spines, and come in every color of the rainbow. While they are not particularly large, typically being the size of a large pony, they range in length from "crocodile" to "whale".


Mountain Dragon

Mountain dragons have four legs and two leathery wings, and often have spikes and larger claws that help stabilize them while climbing. Many are neutrally colored and a few are "crystalline"--pale with crystal-like gradients in color. They range in size from "large horse" to "average bus" but are typically the size of a small elephant.



Wyverns have two legs and two leathery or feathery wings. They tend to be more showy than "true dragons" as they have an assortment of frills, horns and spines, and come in every color of the rainbow. They range in size from "large pony" to "small elephant" but are typically the size of a large horse.


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