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The following websites are used as sources: Pern Fandom, Pern Museum and Archives.

None of the following songs and ballads were written by me. Credit goes to Anne McCaffrey and other writers involved in the Dragonriders of Pern series. A selection of lyrics are listed below if their original sources make it too unclear, split up the parts, or do not group them in a CD collection.

Pern Fandom

The Masterharper of Pern CD

Robinton's Whistle Tune I

The Duty Song

The Masterharper's Ball

Golden Egg of Faranth I -- lyrics below

Fighting Thread

Dragon Lady

The Question Song

Robinton's Dream

Golden Egg of Faranth II -- lyrics below



Golden Egg of Faranth III -- lyrics below

Lessa's Ride

Robinton's Whistle Tune II

March of the Wings

Sunset's Gold CD

Song for Petiron

Sweet Sea (My Nightly Craft)

Gather Day

The Little Queen

Sunset's Gold

Breeke's Cry -- lyrics below


Four Hundred Turns

Golden Egg of Faranth I, II, III

By the Golden Egg of Faranth,
by the Weyrwoman, wise and true,
Breed a flight of Bronze and Brown wings,
Breed a flight of Green and Blue,
Breed riders, strong and daring,
Dragon-loving, born as hatched,
Flight of hundreds soaring skyward,
Man and dragon fully matched.

By the teaching of the Harpers,
Healer, fisherman and smith,
From the chambers of the craft-halls,
Forge our destiny in myth.
Raise a glass in praise of weavers,
Give the Lord Holders their due,
And in all things trust the weyrfolk
For their cause is just and true.

From the distant, burning Red Star,
Shining strands of silver Thread-
Heed the warning of the Star Stones;
Hear the whispers of the dead.
Hail the dragons and their riders,
Perched on high in lofty weyrs.
Watch the skies while Pern lies sleeping;
Learn the lessons of the years.

Brekke's Cry


Don't leave me alone!

A cry in the night

Of anguish heart-striking

Of soul-killing fright.

Awakened in darkness

Bursting with thoughts not our own

Choking, burning, falling, dying.


Live for my living

Or else I must die.

Live for my living,

The world heard that cry.

Live! Live!

The world heard that cry.


Don't leave me alone!

Wind Blossom's Song

A thousand voices keen at night;

A thousand voices wail;

A thousand voices cry in fright;

A thousand voices fail.

You followed them, young healer lass,

'Till they could not be seen.

A thousand dragons made their loss

A bridge 'tween you and me.

And in the cold and darkest night

A single voice is heard.

A single voice, both clear and bright;

It says a single word.

That word is what you now must say

To open up the door

In Benden Weyr to lead the way

To all my healing lore.

It's little I can give to you

To save both Weyr and Hold.

It's little I can offer you

Who paid with dragon gold.

Pern Museum and Archives

Dragonman, Dragonman

Dragonman, dragonman,

Between thee and thine,

Share me that glimpse of love

Greater than mine.

Mating Song

Rise in glory,
Bronze and gold.
Dive entwined,
Enhance the Hold.

Count three months and more
And five heated weeks,
A day of glory and
In a month who seeks?

A strand of silver
In the sky...
With heat, all quickens
And all times fly.

Red Star Passes

Seas boil and mountains move,

Sands heat, dragons prove

Red Star passes.

Stones piles and fires burn,

Green withers, arm Pern.

Guard all passes.

Star Stone watch, scan sky.

Ready the Weyrs, all riders fly;

Red Star Passes.

Star Stone Song

The Finger points
At an eye blood-red.
Alert the Weyrs
To sear the Thread.

The Watch-Wher Song

Watch-wher, watch-wher,

In your lair,

Watch well, watch-wher!

Who goes there?

Welcome Home Song

We're glad you're home
We're glad you've come
We welcome you
With heart and voice
And hope you'll never leave.

Unnamed 1

The Hold is barred,
The Hall is bare.
And men vanish.

The soil is barren,
The rock is bald.
All hope banish.

Unnamed 2

Who wills,
Who tries,
Who loves,

Unnamed 3

Speak softly to my lizard fair
Nor raise your hand to me.
For they are quick to take offense
And quicker to champion me.

Unnamed 4

A heart that's true in harper blue
makes song from heart's own fire,
and though betrayed, is not afraid:
in danger, leaps up higher.

No world is free of minstrelsy,
nor noise, nor rage, nor sorrow.
A harper must discharge his trust
before he asks to borrow.

My Harper Hall is free to all
who serve with song and playing.
But you who'd hide your song inside
are very sadly straying.

Will you withdraw beyond the law,
lie safely in your slumber,
while dangers shake your world awake
and Death makes up his number?

Did harper here betray those dear
he'd feel more than my tongue.

If place you'd earn, you'd better learn
more music than you've sung.

For if you die, while safe you lie
halled in your selfish bone,
no chant will come, no harper drum,
and you'll lie long alone.

Get up, take heart--go, make a start,
sing out the truth you come for.
Then when you die, your heart may fly
to halls we have no name for.

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