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The world of Gold and Iron is magical, to the point where even individuals who did not have magic originally will develop it eventually. The world also keeps its inhabitants healthier than average; most injuries heal faster and sicknesses are less common. This page records the list of powers in those who were both originally magicless and those who were born with their magic. Most people develop no more than two powers, and it is not uncommon to only develop one. While some powers overlap, they have distinct "methods" that lead to them being grouped separately.

The difference between a regular human and a "powered human" is small but crucial; a regular human will eventually develop magic at or after puberty and cannot guarantee that their specific power will be passed onto their children, while a powered human is born with their magic and more often than not will pass down a version of their power to their children.


Alchemists can transmute one non-living material into another non-living material. Some are limited in what they can make or transmute, while others are not.


Conjurers are able to conjure, create, and/or disapparate objects. Typically, those who can conjure or disapparate objects can manipulate things no larger than a human while those who can create objects can make things no bigger than a large tool.


Defenders have defense-related powers that help protect themselves and/or others. Known powers include:

  • Aura-sight: The ability to "see" the effects of enchantments and/or the thoughts/emotions of living beings.

  • Clear-sight: The ability to see past glamours and invisibility.

  • Force-shields: The ability to create magical shields around oneself and/or others.

  • Invisibility: The ability to make oneself and/or others invisible.

  • Super speed: The ability to run inhumanely fast.

  • Super strength: The ability to exert force and lift weights beyond what is physically possible for ordinary humans.


Doctors are able to alter the body and/or mind of themselves and others. Those who manipulate the body can heal or harm the bones, organs, and muscles. Those who can manipulate the mind can alter brain chemistry to achieve a desired result.


Elementals control one or more elements, the definition of which is extremely loose and ranges from the element of fire to the "elements" of animals and time. Some are generalists, like a water elemental who can control water in all its phases, while others are specialists, like an ice elemental who can create and control water in its solid phase. Known general elements include:

  • Air | Earth | Fire | Water

  • Light | Shadow

  • Animals | Plants | Metals

  • Time


Forgers can create, conjure, manipulate, and maintain weapons. Most have a single weapon that their powers revolve around.

Linguists and Telepaths

Linguists have powers related to understanding and speaking languages that they did not learn. Telepaths have mental powers such as mind-reading, telepathy (communication with a single person), and mental projection (communication with multiple people).


Recallers have powers related to memory. Some have eidetic ("photographic") memory and some can learn physical and/or mental skills faster and remember them better.


Shapeshifters have the ability to change their physical form partially or completely.


Teleporters can transport themselves and/or others to different places very quickly. Many need a description of the place or time they intend to teleport to, and none can teleport between universes. Known methods include:

  • Imagination teleportation: A person can travel anywhere they can visualize.

  • Memory teleportation: A person can travel anywhere they have previously been.

  • Sight teleportation: A person can travel anywhere in their line-of-sight.

  • Time teleportation: A person can travel to any time in the immediate area.

  • True teleportation: A person can travel anywhere in space and time.

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