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Gold and Iron uses the standard 365 day/12 month calendar. Dates are shown as follows: mmm dd, yyyy.


00 (Armageddon 1)

Apr 13, 00: Gold and Iron is founded by George Ruben a year after the zombie apocalypse began.


05 (post 1)

Jan 15, 05: George Ruben and his two eldest children re-found Gold and Iron in a different universe.


06 (post 2)

Mar 01, 06: Elizabeth and Raphael bond to their dragons, Pine and Forest.


07 (post 3)

Aug 24, 07: Emmanuel and Jessica bond to their dragons, Quasar and Crystal.


08 (post 4)

Jan 14, 08: Helen Ruben gives birth to Abigail and Samuel.

Feb 02, 08: Emmanuel Cohen and Jessica Thompson marry. Jessica changes her last name to Thompson-Cohen.

May 29, 08: George and Helen bond to their dragons, Rhodrolth and Cresselia.


09 (post 5)

Sep 14, 09: Grace bonds to her dragon, Noodle.



10 (post 6)

May 3, 10: Maximilian and Patrick bond to their dragons, Limeade and Kiwi.


11 (post 7)

Feb 01, 11: Skye bonds to her dragon, Shimmer.

Jul 03, 11: Forest lays a clutch of 8 eggs.

Jul 18, 11: Cresselia lays a clutch of 3 eggs.

Sep 03, 11: Forest's clutch hatches. Brian, Cassandra, and Foxglove bond to their dragons, Puffin, Willow, and Temrot.

Sep 09, 11 Cresselia's clutch hatches. Edwin bonds to his dragon, Sunset.

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