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The Tribe of Freezing Frost resides on a forested mountain where snow is common year-round. The camp is a cave system near the peak where cats sleep in offshoots and gather in the central "hallway". While somewhat hard to catch due to environmental conditions, prey is plentiful in lower regions of the mountain.


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S border: Tribe of Snarling Specters | spasticjazzhands

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Ancient Stones: The Ancient Stones are a ring of upright boulders near the peak of the mountain where the Frosttellers come to communicate with the ancestors.


Birthing Bush: The birthing bush is a small and sheltered space between several bushes where mothers often come to give birth in peace. It was discovered by Koi, one of the founders.


Crossroads Tree: The Crossroads Tree is a large, dead tree midway down the mountain that indicates cats can continue into the Lower Mountain or retreat to the Higher Mountain. Hunters will use the tree as a signal that they have reached prime hunting grounds.



The camp is a large cave system with offshoots for individual dens. Due to the movement of the earth, new dens are occasionally made and old dens are expanded. Adults generally sleep together (and to-bes sleep together) without regard for their specific role as guard or prey-hunter. Littermates, mates, and close friends often share nests.

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