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Gold and Iron is located in a magical world that can be reached through rips (portals) between universes. The village is located between an ocean to the west and a mountain range to the east. Most of the territory (Faerie Forest) is covered by deciduous trees although the area closer to the beach is mostly sand and oceanside vegetation. Near the middle of the territory is a lake fed by a mountain river. Due to the prevalence of willow trees along the river, Elizabeth named it Willow Creek.


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NE border: Rlung Temple | broken*

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Faerie Forest: Faerie Forest, named by Elizabeth, is the bulk of the territory. It was named for its seemingly-magical nature and the prevalence of magical animals. Known phenomena include random portals appearing and disappearing, will-o-wisps, and food that grows easily out-of-season.


Spiky Beach: Spiky Beach, named by Elizabeth for the prevalence of "hard" vegetation, is a 40 minute walk or a 15 minute flight away from the main camp. Closer to the ocean, the sand becomes extremely fine and keeps heat in well. To the north, the beach turns rocky with tidepools, cliffs, and caves.


Willow Creek/Lake: Willow Creek, named by Elizabeth as an homage to a city near her original home, is a river connecting the mountains to the local lake. Water from here is always fresh and cold.



Neighbors are villages not directly bordering Gold and Iron but are connected nonetheless.


Skýja Eyjum (Arya22) is a magical floating village that occasionally passes over Gold and Iron airspace.


The Thestral Society (Chamrosh) is connected through a magical door along Willow Creek.

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