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A young cat between the ages of 0-6 moons, barring devastating injury or illness.


A young cat between the ages of 6-18 moons, barring devastating injury or illness, or immaturity. Most warrior apprentices graduate at 12 moons and most medicine cat apprentices graduate at 15 moons.

Young Warrior

A cat between the ages of 12-20 moons. They are not allowed to take on a mate or have kits, and will rarely be given apprentices of their own.

Seasoned Warrior

A cat between the ages of 20-70 moons. They are allowed to start a family and can be given apprentices. If they have been a mentor, they are eligible to become deputy.

Senior Warrior

A cat 71+ moons. They have likely had kits and mentored at least one apprentice. If they have been a mentor, they are eligible to become deputy. When they reach the age of 96 moons, they are offered a chance to retire.


A cat 96+ moons, barring devastating injury or illness. They are generally respected for having lived so long although cats eligible to become an elder younger than 96 moons are respected for their will to survive despite extreme hardship. These "youthful elders" are offered to participate in duties in and around camp, often with supervision to ensure their safety.​​​

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