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It's been many seasons since the original clans--Riverclan, Shadowclan, Thunderclan, and Windclan--have been destroyed with no trace left behind. In a bid to salvage what remained of the traditions, Starclan decided that they would encourage loners and kittypets to take up the mantle of leader in hopes that they'd attract strong warriors. Will you contribute to making a clan so that Starclan's legacy can live on?

Forestclan was founded by Honeystar, descendent of Minkstar, when she received dreams from Starclan urging her to create a group of cats that would last as long as the trees. She attracted many loners and former kittypets who became the base of her clan, Forestclan. Despite its occasional troubles, the cats of this clan will stand together for as long as the last tree still stands in the forest.

Like the forest, we are strong! Like the forest, we will always grow back! Like the forest, we will endure!

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