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It's been many years since the lands of this planet gave birth to sapient creatures, and now it's time for villages that will provide safety for their members to be made. In the end, only the best can survive and thrive. Will your village be the one to show others the way, or will it be doomed to be lost forever in the uncivilized lands of this planet?

Black Rock Weyrhold was founded in the Final Interval by Seanni, formerly of Southern Hold,​ when she got permission to claim the next gold egg found or clutched in the lands of Southern Weyr. Although such an egg was not found for almost four turns, she still managed to attract Crafters and weyrfolk and after Impressing Rosanth, found even more willing to join her weyrhold. They promise to be on the forefront of change and will offer opportunities to anyone brave enough to claim them.

We will not judge by role or rank. We will not stand in anyone's way. We will pick up those who fall. We will show the world what it means to change. We will show the world what it means to lead!

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