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Caveclan | tauriel.

Clayclan | hazilnut | Forestclan is on good terms with Clayclan after a familial relationship was discovered, opening discussions between the clans. They found each other compatible in beliefs and decided to become allies.

Echoclan | Katrione | Forestclan is on good terms with Echoclan in part because Honeystar believed it to be good to reach out to better-established clans in the event that the then-young Forestclan would need help. The two clans grew closer as their medicine cats, Dustleaf of Forestclan and Crowcloud of Echoclan, formed a good working relationship.

Gustclan | Chamrosh | Forestclan is on good terms with Gustclan as they formed at around the same time and are border clans.

Fireclan | Galipaygo | Forestclan is on good terms with Fireclan after Boulderpelt of Forestclan offered to help with a prophecy. This opened discussions between the clans, who found themselves compatible in beliefs and decided to become allies.

Fjordclan | sky--lines

Hazeclan | nightwolf950 | Forestclan is on good terms with Hazeclan because despite their religious differences, the first leaders of both clans, Honeystar of Forestclan and Hazestar of Hazeclan, were similar in temperament and had a profound respect for the other.

Pineclan | deimos | Forestclan is on good terms with Pineclan in part because Honeystar believed it to be good to reach out to better-established clans in the event that the then-young Forestclan would need help. After the fiasco of Hillfang and Juniperpelt, the two clans were brought closer together through familial relationships.

Seaclan | FairyCharmed

Swiftclan | Phina D Wolf | Forestclan is on good terms with Swiftclan because the first leaders of both clans, Honeystar of Forestclan and Sweetstar of Swiftclan, were similar in temperament and had a profound respect for the other.​​


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