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Cyrrane | Arya22 | Seanni, the first Weyrwoman of Black Rock Weyrhold, discovered Cyrrane after it had grown a small population. Cyrrane is granted the privilege of Search.

Dovefeather Weyrhold | lucifer morningstar. | Seanni, the first Weyrwoman of Black Rock Weyrhold, helped Dovefeather's founder, Myracle, built the Hold. Dovefeather is granted the privilege of Search. In the year 2718, the first Dovefeather Candidates successfully Impressed from Borinth's first clutch.

Mekhanikos | hazilnut | Seanni, the first Weyrwoman of Black Rock Weyrhold, knew the parents of Mekhanikos's founder, Ackerley. Mekhanikos is granted the privilege of Search.

Mournstead | katrione | Seanni, the first Weyrwoman of Black Rock Weyrhold, and Eldthora, the first High Queen of Mournstead, were fostered together at Southern Hold. Although the weyrhold Fishercrafters and Mourstead vikings occasionally clash, relations have remained friendly. Mournstead is granted the privilege of Search.


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