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Bird-of-prey: The only non-farmed Terran birds that survived on Pern were birds-of-prey such as falcons, hawks, and eagles. They eventually interbred to create a crossbred species known only as "bird-of-prey." They are used as messengers and help in finding seeds.

Fowl: The only farmed Terran birds that survived on Pern were chickens and ducks.

Gryphhawk: A gryphhawk is a Pernese avian that looks like a gryphon but is the size of and as trainable as a bird-of-prey.

Wherry: A wherry is a Pernese avian that looks like a feathered raptor with an additional pair of limbs in the form of membranous wings. Wild wherries taste more gamy whereas domesticated wherries taste vaguely similar to fowl.


Dragon: Dragons were engineered from fire-lizards as a defense against Thread. They are capable of going between and communicate thoughts via telepathy. They protect the skies from harm and are bonded to their rider from life to death.

Fire-Lizard: Fire-lizards are a native Pernese novelty rediscovered in the Ninth Pass. They are capable of going between and communicate emotions and images via telepathy. They act as a pet and messenger.

Watch-Wher: Watch-whers were engineered from fire-lizards as a secondary dragon species. They are primarily used as guard beasts or as the "canary" in a mine. They can see in infrared and communicate emotions and images via telepathy.


Bovine: Bovines (cows) are used to till the soil and get milk, and are killed for their meat or skin.

Canine: Canines (dogs) are used as guards and herders. The most common types are mutts that resemble Australian Shepherds.

Caprine: Caprines (goats) are used to get milk and wool, and are killed for their meat.

Cheetah/Lion: Metasynth-enhanced cheetahs and lions are a menace created by Ted Tubberman in a failed attempt at creating a domestic feline companion but in current times, are prized for their pelts. They are to be killed at first sight to prevent them from attacking humans, dragons, and livestock alike.

Draftbeast: Draftbeasts (draft ponies or donkeys) are used as beasts of burden and are good for larger holds and weyrholds that require a reliable animal for transportation.

Feline: Felines (cats) are used to kill pests. The most common types are moggies that resemble Maine Coons.

Fox: Metasynth-enhanced foxes, rediscovered about a century after the Ninth Pass, are used as hunting companions.

Runnerbeast: Runnerbeasts (thoroughbred horses) are used by runners and as racing animals. The most common types are breeds that resemble the Anglo-Arabian.

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