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The world of Gold and Iron is magical, to the point where even individuals who did not have magic originally will develop it eventually. The world also keeps its inhabitants healthier than average; most injuries heal faster and sicknesses are less common. This page records people who develop powers and not those who were born with them. Most people develop one or two powers, and a few develop more. Some powers overlap but have distinct enough methods that they are grouped differently.


Alchemists​ can transmute one material into another. Some are limited in what they can make or transmute while others are not.


Conjurers are able to conjure and create objects. Typically, those with the former power are able to conjure objects no bigger than a human and those with the latter power are able to create objects no bigger than a large tool.

1-10: Emmanuel can conjure small and medium-sized objects.


Defenders have defense-related powers that help protect themselves and/or others. This includes aura-sight, invisibility, force-shields, super speed, and super strength.

1-10: Jessica has super-speed and can run as fast as the average passenger plane. Raphael can create force-shields.


Doctors​ are able to alter the body and/or mind of themselves and others. Those who can manipulate the body can heal or "unheal" the bones, organs, and muscle. Those who can manipulate the mind can alter brain chemistry to achieve a desired result.

1-10: Helen is a body doctor.


Elementals control one or more elements. The definition of "elements" is extremely loose and includes things like plant, animal, time, and metal manipulation. Some are generalists, like a water elemental who can control water in all its phases, while others are specialists, like an ice elemental who can create and control water in its solid phase.

1-10: Elizabeth is a fire elemental. Grace is an earth elemental. Raphael is an water elemental.


Forgers can create, conjure, manipulate, and maintain weapons. Most have a single weapon that their powers revolve around.

1-10: George is a firearms forger. Jessica is a sword forger.

Linguists and Telepaths

Linguists have powers related to understanding and speaking languages they did not learn. Telepaths have telepathy-related powers including mind-reading, telepathy, and projection.

1-10: Elizabeth is a telepath who can communicate mentally and project. Jessica is a linguist who can understand animals.


Recallers have powers related to memory. Some have eidetic ("photographic") memory, some can learn physical skills or mental skills much faster and remember them better.


Shapeshifters have the ability to change their physical form, partially or completely.


Teleporters can transport themselves and/or others to different places very quickly. Most must have a visual or detailed description of the place they intend to teleport to, and none can teleport between universes.

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