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The following notes on primary powers were compiled by Elizabeth Rubin. They are reasonably accurate as they have been drawn from personal accounts, and primary sources when possible, secondary sources and rumors when not. The designations of "common", "uncommon", and "rare" are highly subjective as any given population will have a different mix of powers.

Conjuration: uncommon

Conjuration is an odd group of powers that both overlap and seem to have nothing to do with each other. Many conjurers have two powers from this group and the ranking system is only comparing how likely one is to find the power on its own as opposed to with other powers. Elizabeth notes that these powers are the easiest to "break" and create unintentional side-effects through creative applications.

Conjuration: common

Conjuration is the ability to make appear objects or lifeforms. While some have debated if this means making appear previously-existing objects/lifeforms or creating new objects/lifeforms to suit the individual's purpose, Elizabeth suspects that it is the former through her own experience. A few individuals are capable of conjuring objects/lifeforms from other universes and due to the nature of the multiverse, it is entirely possible to conjure duplicates of any given item. When paired with disapperation, a conjurer can also conjure objects from within a personal hammerspace only accessible to them.

Known powers

  • Can conjure objects. This varies from line-of-sight to anywhere in the world to anywhere in the multiverse.

  • Can conjure lifeforms. This varies from line-of-sight to anywhere in the world to anywhere in the multiverse.

Disapperation: uncommon

Disapperation is the ability to make disappear objects or lifeforms. It's unknown if what disappears goes into an alternate location, and alternate universe, or a personal hammerspace. This brings the question of what happens to lifeforms, and if they are conscious while disappeared. Most groups ban the use of disapperation on sapient lifeforms and breaking this rule is often cause for the death penalty. However, when paired with conjuration, it seems likely that what disappears goes into a personal hammerspace as the object or lifeform does not change between disapperation and conjuring.

Known powers

  • Can make disappear objects into a personal hammerspace. This varies from line-of-sight to anywhere in the world to anywhere in the multiverse.

  • Can make disappear lifeforms into a personal hammerspace. This varies from line-of-sight to anywhere in the world to anywhere in the multiverse.

Creating artificial intelligence: common

Creating artificial intelligence is strictly giving a semblance of life to an object by imbibing it with a personality. While most individuals do not have the power to do this more than temporarily, the time between the initial "life given" and when it "dies" can be extended with practice and refined commands.

Known powers

  • Granting an object a temporary or permanent personality.

Creating life: rare

Creating new lifeforms is a very rare power that few know about and is typically spoken of in the same breath as time elementals. This is because such individuals hold the power of life in their hands in a way that most do not. These individuals can bring their dreams to life and has the power to both keep a tight grasp on them, making them willing servants who can never know any better, or grant them the freedom that every natural-born creature has, and face the consequences of being permanently linked to a free-thinking being. Elizabeth's experiences with this power have made her particularly grateful that her recklessness never resulted in anything dangerous--hers is an extremely uncommon story for it has a happy ending.

Known powers

  • Creating a new lifeform and imbibing it with a personality.

  • Granting created lifeforms "free will" that allows them to take actions without the supervision of their creator, who remains telepathically linked. Natural-born descendants of these lifeforms are considered unique individuals without a connection to their ancestors' creator.

Elemental: common

Among the elemental powers, there are three broader classes: basic, subtle, and abstract. The basic elements are the classical Greek classifications of air, earth, fire, and water although the individual uses are often more complex. The subtle elements are light and shadow, which have less obvious but no less stunning effects. The abstract elements--emotion and time--are often debated as to whether they should be classified as elements or as separate branches of power but due to personal biases, Elizabeth decided to include them among the elemental powers.

Air: common

Manipulation of air is a subtle art that most elementals cannot grasp beyond the most basic level. While it may seem obvious that an air elemental should be able to do things such as create gusts of wind or deprive someone of air, it is less obvious the ability to lift one's body up and create a fascimile of flight by "hardening" the air around the elemental and moving it about. Some skilled air elementals are able to use their powers in conjunction with other elementals to create devastating hurricanes and tornadoes, while others are able to amplify or quiet sound waves to send, intercept, and prevent spoken messages.

Known powers

  • Manipulation existing air/wind

  • Creating new molecules of air

Earth: common

Earth is a common but diverse element, with each elemental finding their own niche. While it is easy to point to the earthshattering (literally) results, ranging from landslides to earthquakes, it is just as easy to overlook the smith who bends metal into a sword or the gardener who creates new species of plants by coaxing them into a desired form. Some skilled earth elementals are able to use their powers in conjunction with other elementals to create devastating tornadoes, mudslides, and volcanic eruptions but many prefer to work alone and perfect their art.


Known powers

  • Manipulating existing rock (including dirt and sand)

  • Manipulating existing plants

  • Manipulating existing metal

  • Speeding the growth of plants

  • Cultivating the growth of plants

  • Instinctively understanding the uses of a plant or metal

Emotion: rare

It has been debated what manipulation of emotion truly is. Is it a form of subtle mind control or is it an element in the same way that time manipulation is an element? Whichever it is, those who control this so-called “element” are extremely rare and often do not realize their own powers. Emotion elementals can make themselves seem more charismatic and help others feel good about themselves, among other things, which seems to cross over into mind control. Regardless, these elementals are not to be trusted because they can and often do draw people to themselves like the spider does to a fly.


Known powers

  • Manipulating emotions

  • Manipulation someone’s perception of another person/thing/idea

Fire: common

Fire is common, flashy, and simple. From localized fires to larger blazes, from heating rock into magma to burning a person alive, there is reason to respect and even fear these elementals. While few possess the power to do more than localized manipulation, with fewer still having the ability to create fires with a precise level of heat, even they are more than capable of defending themselves and those they care for.


Known powers

  • Manipulating existing fire

  • Manipulating the heat level of fire

  • Manipulating the color of fire

  • Creating new fire

Light: uncommon

A simple yet beautiful power, light is often an element gracing artists and healers for it is rarely utilized in battle. Most use it to create temporary pictures or as a form of invisibility by camouflaging themselves. Some have figured out how to use different wavelengths of light and turn their power to battle, creating dangerous radiation and lasers. This power often runs in families but it is not unheard of for a child to have this power when none have had it for generations.


Known powers

  • Manipulating light of different wavelengths

  • Creating light of different wavelengths

  • Temporarily changing something's color

  • Temporary camouflage

Shadow: uncommon

Often viewed as the companion to light, it is best to view it as having similar principles but otherwise being completely different. Shadow elementals are very limited but more creative elementals have figured out how to create temporary defenders from shadow, or disguise themselves in their own darkness. In combination with light, elementals can create spectacular illusions.


Known powers

  • Manipulating shadow

  • Creating shadow

Time: rare

One of the rarest and most striking elements, time elementals seem to share the same ability set: manipulation of time perception around themselves and others, going forwards and backwards in time, and being able to manipulate events in the past in such a way that they create a new future. While this has similarities to a teleporter's ability, a time elemental has far fewer restrictions and as such, is viewed as far more dangerous.


Known powers

  • Manipulating the perception of time around themselves and others

  • Going forwards or backwards in time

  • Sending others forwards or backwards in time

  • Changing the past, likely creating a new universe in the process

Water: common

Like fire, water is common and simple. Manipulating water has many applications from sustaining life to drowning another, but most are unable to manipulate much more than their own weight in water. However, skilled water elementals are able to use their powers in conjunction with air elementals to create devastating hurricanes and tsunamis, and a few rare elementals are capable of manipulating large bodies of water with striking effects.


Known powers

  • Manipulating existing water in a gaseous, liquid, or solid state

  • Changing the state of water

Necromancy: rare

Although necromancy is often described as the power to raise the dead, a truer description would be the ability to interact with the dead in a way most cannot. This can involve seeing and manipulating spirits or creating an undead servant. Like many other power groupings, there are many variations within a single power that is dependent on the individual's imagination and natural ability. Necromancers are generally disliked for although they are rare, they are common enough that most will know a tale or two of an unlucky necromancer who is either pressed into service or forced out of their home.

Ghost necromancy: common

Ghost necromancy is odd in that no one truly knows what ghosts are. Elizabeth notes that the definition varies based on the rules of the universe and that here, it is likely that ghosts are either a "living" memory of the person that once was or a figment of a person's "soul" that was unable to pass into the afterlife, if one exists. Ghost necromancers are able to conjure these ghosts and interact with them in various ways; some can interact with them "physically", some can only hear their voices, some can only see them, some can force them to perform various actions, and some have a combination of the previous powers.

Known powers

  • Can interact with ghosts

  • Can summon ghosts

  • Can control ghosts

Full necromancy: rare

Full necromancy is not the ability to perform necromancy in all its forms, as may be implied, but rather the ability to bring back the dead with both a healthy mind and body. The length of time someone can be brought back for is highly conditional on the individual's strength, and most undead require an infusion of blood or power to remain functioning for longer periods of time than would be normal for the individual. One quirk that all full necromancers share is a telepathic connection with their undead "creatures" that cannot be broken by anything except for releasing the undead back into death.

Known powers

  • Can revive the dead in their living form without their mortal injury if one existed

  • Can control whichever dead are summoned

Skeletal necromancy: uncommon

Skeletal necromancy is called such because individuals with this power most often summon the skeletons of those long-dead although many also use their powers to bring back the bodies of those who died more recently, whether to help or harm the deceased. Few individuals can bring back an intact mind and most of these summons can be accurately described as zombies: undead beings loyal to their master with little ability to comprehend beyond the master's commands. Bodies with still-functioning vocal chords can be made to speak although without an intact mind, much of what is said will be unintelligible. Despite being animated by magic and therefore immune to most injuries, the most sure-fire way to dispatch of these undead is to separate the head from the body.

Known powers

  • Can revive the dead with their body in its current state

  • Can control whichever dead are summoned

Shapeshifting: uncommon

While technically all who come from this universe are shapeshifters, those who are officially classified as shapeshifters have the ability to change into three or more total forms. Most people think of a shapeshifter as being able to transform into an animal but there is far greater variety; plants, insects, bacteria, and other oddball forms are classified as valid shifts although no one has ever seen a shapeshifter able to assume a lifeform that is not carbon-based.

Single-shift: common

A single-shift shapeshifter has three forms: their true (magical) form, their human form, and their secondary (often animal) form. While this third form can be of any species, including extinct animals, magical beasts and humanoids, the most common shifts are those of non-magical animals.

Known powers

  • Can shapeshift into an additional third form.

Species-shift: uncommon

A species shapeshifter--or more accurately, a genus shapeshifter--can shift into any number of animals within a certain genus with some examples being the Felis shapeshifters (small cat shapeshifters) or the Zonosaurus shapeshifters (gerryosaurid lizard shapeshifters). Like a single-shift shapeshifter, a species shapeshiter has both extant and extinct forms to call upon.

Known powers

  • Can shapeshift into any species, extant or extinct, within a particular genus.

Arbitrary-shift: rare

An arbitrary shapeshifter can shift into any number of animals within an often-arbitrary group with some examples being "any extinct animal", "any magical beast", or "any tree". These shapeshifters are occasionally confused with species shapeshifters and true shapeshifters, but as they have more variety than the former and more restrictions than the latter, they are an unusual in-between.

Known powers

  • Can shapeshift into any life-form within an arbitrary group that is semi-unique to the individual.

True-shift: rare

A true shapeshifter falls into two categories: restricted true-shift and unrestricted true-shift. The former can shapeshift into any species but has one form per lifeform, and the latter can shapeshift into any species and customize both form and sex. While there are rumors of restricted true shapeshifters who can change either form or sex, it is more likely that these are unrestricted true shapeshifters who are comfortable with either a single form per life-form or their birth sex.

Known powers

  • Can shapeshift into any carbon-based lifeform and either has one appearance/same sex per species, or can change their appearance and sex at will.

Teleportation: common

Teleportation is a straightforward power that is simple to classify and understand. There are two broad classes--non-temporal and temporal--which determine whether an individual can only teleport in the "now" or choose a time to emerge. From there, teleporters are sorted into four groups with decreasing restrictions on them. While there are minute differences between individuals, there are enough similarities that enables them to be classified easily.

Imagination teleport: uncommon

An imagination teleporter can travel to any place they can visualize so long as it is within their plane of existence. An imagination-temporal teleporter can travel to any place they can visualize at any point in time.

Known powers

  • Can teleport to any visualized place.

  • Some can travel to any visualized place at any point in time.

Memory teleport: common

A memory teleporter can travel anywhere they have previously been or anywhere in their field of vision. A memory-temporal teleporter can travel anywhere they have previously been at any point in time.

Known powers

  • Can teleport to any place they have previously been to.

  • Some can travel to any place they have previously been to at any point in time.

Sight teleport: common

A sight teleporter can travel anywhere in their field of unobstructed vision. In other words, if they can see it, they can go there. A sight-temporal teleporter can travel anywhere in their field of unobstructed vision at any point in time.

Known powers

  • Can teleport to any place within their field of unobstructed vision.

  • Some can travel to any place within their field of unobstructed vision at any point in time.

True teleport: rare

A true teleports can travel anywhere in space at any point in time. More rarely, true teleporters are capable of crossing into other universes.

Known powers

  • Can teleport to any place and time.

  • Some can travel to other universes.

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