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The Tribe of Freezing Frost resides on a forested mountain where snow is common year-round. The camp is a cave system near the peak, with the entrance being where most cats gather and small offshoots being where cats sleep. While somewhat hard to catch, prey is plentiful in lower regions of the mountain.

North border:

Northeast border:

East border:

Southeast border:

South border: Tribe of Snarling Specters | spasticjazzhands

Southwest border:

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Northwest border:


Ancient Stones: The Ancient Stones are a ring of stones near the peak of the mountain where the Frosttellers come to communicate with the ancestors.

Birthing Bush: The birthing bush is a small and sheltered space between three bushes where mothers often come to give birth. It was discovered by Koi, one of the Founders.


The tribe's camp is a large cave system with offshoots that are individual dens. Due to the movement of the earth, new dens are occasionally discovered--usually one or two every few generations. Guards and prey-hunters, collectively called "adults", sleep together, most often in family groups.

To the right of the entrance are six offshoots. The first two are to-be dens that can hold about five or six cats each. The next is an adults' den, which can hold eight cats. The fourth den is a nursery with a main cave used for expectant and nursing months, and an offshoot used for older kits. The fifth den, also an adults' den, is an oddity and it's a popular subject of debate as to whether it's a main cave with an offshoot or an enlarging of the system with a smaller offshoot. The final den is where the Frostteller and their to-be sleep and keep their herbs. While they claim it's to protect the herbs, some joke that it's so that they can be comfortable in their superiority over the tribe.

To the left of the entrance are seven offshoots. The first five are adults' dens, which can hold between three and twenty cats each. The first and last of these dens are split into a "main" and an "offshoot" cave. The sixth den is where the Camp-Guard and Prey-Watcher sleep. The last den is where the ancients sleep.

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