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Black Rock Weyrhold is located along the Black Rock River, and was established by Weyrwoman Seanni, rider of gold Rosanth, formerly of Southern Hold. The weyrhold is split into two sections: West Weyrhold, where the dragonriders and weyrholdfolk live, and East Weyrhold, where the Crafters and their helpers live. The two sections are split by the river and although there is a bridge between them, many prefer to enlist the help of a dragonrider instead.

In West Weyrhold, the most notable features are the Twin Towers, which are several hundred dragonlengths apart and are tall enough to view most of the weyrhold. The North Tower consists of quarters for the Weyrwoman, Weyrleader, Headwoman, and their immediate staff. It also hosts visiting dignitaries of the region's Holds and villages. The South Tower consists of quarters for the Weyrlingmaster and their staff, weyrlings, and Candidates. It also hosts younger dragonriders who are in the process of building or finding a home. The majority of the dragonrider and general weyrholder population lives in houses built near and around the Twin Towers, creating an active city. The streets have been specially built so that even the largest gold can lie down comfortably, and they often host Gathers, trading markets, and other activities.

In East Weyrhold, the most notable feature is the River Mansion, where the Mastercrafters live. Around the mansion, Crafters and their families live in houses planned solely for humans. Here is where the farming, herding, and hunting is located as the fields and woods are rich in no small part from the dutiful supervision of the Farmercrafters and Beastcrafters.


Caling Empire: The remains of what once were the Caling Empire have been stumbled across by many weyrhold explorers, although only the refugees from Mekhanikos recognized it as a home of the once-proud golem race. Because of the odd feelings that many get, it has not been explored thoroughly and most recommend avoiding it entirely.


Black Rock Weyrhold protects the Araby and Cathay Provinces, which include a number of Holds and cotholds. The notable Holds are: Mekhanikos, Mournstead, Dovefeather Weyrhold, and Cyrrane.

Mekhanikos (hazilnut) lies to the northwest in a plains-studded forest and along a cliff near the coast. They are protected due to the relationship between the founders.

Mournstead (Katrione) lies to the northeast on a mountain. They are protected as the founders were foster sisters.

Dovefeather Weyrhold (lucifer morningstar.) lies to the east in a forest-studded plains. They are protected, although are becoming more independent, after the founders came to an alliance agreement.

Cyrrane (Arya22) lies to the southeast on a mountain in the Wyst Forest, close to the Azov Sea. They are protected after the founders came to an alliance agreement.


Black Rock Weyrhold considers its neighbors to be Weyrholds and Holds that do not seek active protection or are hostile.

Luna Sirenis (noctem) lies to the south in the Azov Sea. Although they engaged in peace talks with the weyrhold, Luna Sirenis strongly believes that receiving protection would be a sign of weakness from them and would compromise their independence.

The Vale of Archaic Corybantic (Amethyst14) lies to the southwest past a mountain range that few dragonriders are willing to fly past, due to a consistently hostile reception.

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